Typography and Photography, Can You See It?

By Cortnee Cassity

June 2020 Ensign Magazine


This is a magazine spread from an Ensign in June 2020 created by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (https://abn.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/2020/06/is-my-child-with-a-disability-ready-to-be-baptized?lang=eng). In this post I will discuss typography and photography of this article and provide additional images that could work for this article.

Categorizing Typography

Categorizing the Typography

Here in this magazine spread we see two types of typography. The typography of “Is My Child with a Disability Ready to Be Baptized” would be classified as Sans serif because there are no serif’s anywhere. The “O”at the beginning of the article would be classified as Oldstyle because there is a moderate thick/thin transition in the stroke.

Typeface Contrast

You can see here in the circled letters how these are contrasting typefaces. The O has moderate transitions in the stroke while the D has no transitions. These contrast one another in that aspect. Also, if their were more letters shown with the typeface of the O we would see some serifs but with the title of the article there are no serifs in that type face. This is another contrasting aspect.

Leading Lines

This photo did a great job with leading lines. The lines within the tile point to the feet. This allows the viewer to see the lines and have their eyes lead to the most important part of the photo. The importance of these lines might be underestimated to a viewer who doesn’t understand leading lines but as I help you see these line I hope you see just how important they really are.

Three Alternate Photos

These three photos mimic the original with the ability to have leading lines to the feet. The lines lead to the feet but not as exactly as the original photo. I think this helps with some originality to the photos while still being closely aligned with the original. These pictures would be able to replace the original photo if needed because it still portrays the same message while adding some different angles and allowing some different leading lines.


The principles discussed in this post show just how much thought is placed into every magazine article. The details matter and they help to draw attention to the article to that people will read it. I hope that after reading this we all will pay closer attention to the details around us so that we might notice just how much work goes into the things around us.

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